Aircraft Asset Disposal

For fast and viable execution of a personal or business aircraft sale, Ultra Aviation can re-market your collateral worldwide using its mass marketing communications platforms, extensive industry relations, and transaction expertise.  We are discreet and well suited to execute your aircraft asset disposal requirements.

Our services are employed by banks and lenders, leasing companies and private companies that require swift results as result of foreclosed aircraft by lenders or owners looking to avoid repossession.  For a fixed fee, we will guarantee you fair market value and professionally executed transaction.

UAS will arrange all Title work and verify that free and clear title is achieved prior to the sale.  If necessary, we will negotiate the resolution of any liens or clouds that remain on the title.

Consignment of Aircraft, Equipment, and Spare Parts Inventory

For the highest return on your assets, our consignment capabilities will align themselves with your asset reallocation objectives, as we can assure the sale of aerospace items to the most eligible third parties.

Contact us for more details and to obtain a quote on our services. 

Piper Releases AD for PA46 Series

Piper Aircraft release of a Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) affecting the entire PA46 fleet including the Matrix, Mirage, and Meridian series aircraft has become an AD as of July 10, 2013.  Click here for the AD details.

NTSB Cautions About NEXRAD

(NTSB) cautions pilots about in-cockpit (NEXRAD)

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is cautioning pilots to be aware that in-cockpit Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) information can be up to 15-20 minutes older than indicated on the display and that relying on such information for real-time reports can cause safety problems when aircraft are transiting fast-moving weather systems.

Selling an Aircraft

Marketing & selling an aircraft is a complex project, learn how we connect buyers with your aircraft.

Buying an Aircraft

Acquisitions are the cornerstone of our business.  Our experience and market knowledge will locate the Best Buy in the marketplace.

Aircraft Management

Our customized aircraft management service offers comprehensive benefits to both personal and business aircraft owners..