
Getting your Aircraft Financing off the Ground

Financing an aircraft can be a complex financial transaction when navigating the broad range of financial products offered.  We take the time to understand each borrower's complete financial position and unique lending requirements. We listen carefully to your needs and goals, understanding that one product will not fit every aircraft purchaser.

In the last two years, the aircraft financing landscape has changed dramatically, and this change significantly benefited some buyers while alienating others.  The number of US aircraft lenders has contracted, even the largest banks have limited the availability of funds as result of the compression in interest rates and aircraft values.

Managing Your Financing Needs

Ultra Aviation Services, Inc. and our strategic partners offer the industry’s most competitive financing rates for both new and pre-owned piston, turboprop and jet aircraft. 

Get Pre-approved Now

Aircraft financiers internally rate transactions from a risk perspective based on a combination of in-house credit and asset scoring factors. The more transparency, the better a financial institution can understand your financial situation, and offer more favorable terms and conditions.

If you are looking to acquire an aircraft, we have a qualification program to help you get pre-approved with an aircraft lender.

We have alliances with numerous lending institutions that can offer our clients a broad range of aircraft finance products. 

Contact us to get pre-approved before you begin your aircraft search and see your aircraft purchase take flight.

Piper Releases AD for PA46 Series

Piper Aircraft release of a Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) affecting the entire PA46 fleet including the Matrix, Mirage, and Meridian series aircraft has become an AD as of July 10, 2013.  Click here for the AD details.

NTSB Cautions About NEXRAD

(NTSB) cautions pilots about in-cockpit (NEXRAD)

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is cautioning pilots to be aware that in-cockpit Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) information can be up to 15-20 minutes older than indicated on the display and that relying on such information for real-time reports can cause safety problems when aircraft are transiting fast-moving weather systems.

Selling an Aircraft

Marketing & selling an aircraft is a complex project, learn how we connect buyers with your aircraft.

Buying an Aircraft

Acquisitions are the cornerstone of our business.  Our experience and market knowledge will locate the Best Buy in the marketplace.

Aircraft Management

Our customized aircraft management service offers comprehensive benefits to both personal and business aircraft owners..