Aircraft Cost Analysis

Aircraft Ownership Costs Defined

In today's economic environment, both aircraft purchasers and operators want to know what an aircraft costs to operate.  We have the tools and resources to disseminate operating costs as they refer to current owners, prospective buyers, corporate operators, leaseback opportunities and flight schools.  We provide an accurate and professional aircraft cost analysis that can be tailored to your individual aircraft and operating requirements.  Contact us to prepare a customized analysis for you.

Aircraft cost questions to consider…..

  • Projected costs of continuing to operate your current aircraft?
  • Have you included all Direct and Indirect costs when generating an annual aircraft operating budget?
  • What is the before and after tax cash costs to operate your current aircraft?
  • How does the cost of keeping your current aircraft compare to trading for another aircraft?
  • How does the cost of Aircraft "A" compare to the cost of Aircraft "B" if both aircraft fly the same number of miles per year? Does the time savings justify the difference?
  • How much will your operating costs be reduced by chartering or placing your aircraft on leaseback?
  • How many hours must your aircraft be chartered/rented to break even?
  • How does the cost of 100% aircraft ownership compare to the purchase of a fractional share?
  • What annual hourly utilization justifies whole ownership versus the purchase into a shared aircraft?
  • Does joint ownership provide more favorable costs savings versus fractional ownership?
  • How does ownership of a managed aircraft with charter income compare to fractional ownership cost?
  • How much will joint ownership of your aircraft reduce total ownership cost?

We can assist you in evaluating operating costs and budgets for full ownership, fractional or a partnership.

Piper Releases AD for PA46 Series

Piper Aircraft release of a Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) affecting the entire PA46 fleet including the Matrix, Mirage, and Meridian series aircraft has become an AD as of July 10, 2013.  Click here for the AD details.

NTSB Cautions About NEXRAD

(NTSB) cautions pilots about in-cockpit (NEXRAD)

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is cautioning pilots to be aware that in-cockpit Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) information can be up to 15-20 minutes older than indicated on the display and that relying on such information for real-time reports can cause safety problems when aircraft are transiting fast-moving weather systems.

Selling an Aircraft

Marketing & selling an aircraft is a complex project, learn how we connect buyers with your aircraft.

Buying an Aircraft

Acquisitions are the cornerstone of our business.  Our experience and market knowledge will locate the Best Buy in the marketplace.

Aircraft Management

Our customized aircraft management service offers comprehensive benefits to both personal and business aircraft owners..